2024 CFP and Theme

Calling all libraryland idea growers, gardeners, cultivators, and curators! We know the past few years have been a time of difficult change, but challenging times can lead to reimagined and reinvented library services, partnerships, and spaces. 

So we want to know: What’s changed for the better at your library? What new things did you try that took root? What old initiatives needed pruning before they could blossom?

Tell us what you've been doing!

We want to hear about your work planting the seeds of information literacy, fertilizing collaborative partnerships, composting problematic collections, and irrigating dry library programming. Add your voice and experience to Forward Libraries’ first annual Spring Forward Conference!

Forward Libraries strives to bring library workers from all types of libraries together to learn and grow with one another. We’re looking for proposals that are fun, engaging, and will leave our attendees ready to try out new things at their institutions, with a support system of new friends and colleagues behind them!

We’d like to see your proposals for

Seed Starters (aka the kind of topics we'd like to see):


Content for Spring Forward will be spread over two weeks in March. We know that 8 hours of online meetings is exhausting, and we want participants to be able to breathe between sessions. Plus we know that just because you're conferencing, it doesn't mean your library stops functioning!

Click here for the full Conference Archive